spend a productive sunday with me

I need to stop doing these posts and just write and follow to do lists like a regular person, but they’re so fun and I think doing them really does help. This Sunday was the day of the Oscars which I always spend watching the nominated (and at least one not-nominated) films. I also have a really long to do list and a few things that I have to get done asap. I also have to reread volume three of Lore Olympus because I still have not done that.

Productivity started at like 11:20 when I wrote the intro here and got a general lay of the land for my day. Pulled up my first film (20 Days in Mariupol).

11:30-12:00: Amended a film post I had started so that I could add in this day of films. Also wrote up the description for a film I had seen and forgot to do the write up for. Fixed up the last one of these I had to do, by finishing it, adding in the writing of a ‘what i eat’ to pad it out, editing and uploading pictures, all that jazz. Finished and scheduled it.

12:00-12:30: Wrote a bit about the film and tried to get pictures of it for here. Played Animal Crossing

12:30-13:00: More Animal Crossing, it was a landscaping day. Wrote up a bit more for the film post and found a picture for it.

13:00-13:30: Showered, etc

13:30-14:00: Wrote a birthday card for my grandmother, started film #2 (Priscilla), period moodyness hit so I spent £170 on Ariana merch and then I felt better.

14:00-15:00: Wrote and scheduled a post on Eternal Sunshine (album). Literally that was the whole hour

15:00-15:30: Finished my skincare because I just didn’t do that before. Had lunch.

15:30-16:00: Did the Priscilla write up into the film post, read funny reviews of it on Letterboxd until I got bored and then I went on my phone. Started watching Poor Things. 

16:00-17:00: Wrote and scheduled an Urban Outfitters wishlist, ate some cake

17:00-18:00: Started a ‘what i read’ post. Very nearly finished it

18:00-18:30: Finished Poor Things, watched Nǎi Nai & Wài Pó, started Lore Olympus volume 3 but the film has subtitles so that needed my attention. Did light work on the film post and on my Letterboxd. Updated a link on my Eternal Sunshine post. Moved things around in my schedule to accommodate all these posts I’m writing

18:30-19:00: Pulled up more films to watch, watched Youtube videos while I waited for Netflix to forget that I opened 10 tabs. Read Wikipedia articles. Picked Lore Olympus back up

19:00-19:30: Re-read Lore Olympus, watched The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar

19:30-20:00: Finished and scheduled the ‘what I’ve read’, started watching Past Lives. At some point my dad called me down for dinner

20:00-21:00: Ate dinner, went on my phone. Added a book to my abandoned books post

My evening was spent finishing Past Lives, tidying my room and being on my phone. All in all a pretty productive day and I can get a post done pretty quickly tomorrow when I remember to do the write ups for all these films I’ve seen and not spoken about.



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