gay, trans and intersex books that i love

I gush about the lesbian and general sapphic books I like a lot, but I have yet to give a moment to the other letters in lgbtqi+. I have yet to read an asexual book but here I will share 5 books for gay men and trans people and 3 for intersex people. I need to find more for them. Continue reading “gay, trans and intersex books that i love”

my june 2023 playlist

My playlist for this last 3 months has not been my favourite thing. I’ve been ignoring it a bit and it’s a big big mess. So the songs in this post will be a big big mess and I need to do a better job next time with like actually listening to the songs and making sure I really like them before adding them. Because this is going to be a long one, like really long and all over the shop. But the songs are good, I’m pretty sure. This is the time of year when I usually plan my next year’s batch of playlists which is exciting and so unnecessary of me so early in the year but I enjoy it and have no idea what to go with. Continue reading “my june 2023 playlist”

some lgbt albums that have come out recently that i love

Recently is a bit of a stretch but I am going with it. For sure that has come out in the last like year. One of these I love, one I have listened to a few times and the others were basically new to me for this post. I could have included so many more that I did not but in terms of reading it and me doing the brunt of work for this post the day before, there had to be a limit. The albums I had not heard before were all projects I had been curious about and intended to listen to. From lgbt people whom I love or admire. If you have heard any of these albums please let me know which songs you like most, or if you have recommendations for me please share them! Continue reading “some lgbt albums that have come out recently that i love”

talking about 10 new shows that i watched recently

All of these 10 shows have been released since Summer 2021, so at most they are now onto the second season. I am late to everything but am trying to catch up with the things I most want to. As well as there being some phenomenal shows released in the last couple months alone. Here are 10 ‘new’ shows I binged recently and my views on them. They are basically all comedies, which is weird for me, I would not think of myself as a big comedy gal. Continue reading “talking about 10 new shows that i watched recently”

10 more coming out moments that i love

I did this last year and I thought it would be fun to do it again. Although not something I do ever really, coming out is an important part of being queer and coming out moments in film and tv are so important for visibility, creating conversations and opening up dialogue. While I am happy that coming outs are dying off a bit, I still want to celebrate them, so here are 10 I like a lot. Continue reading “10 more coming out moments that i love”

what i eat in a day (vegetarian and human)

This maybe a vegetarian day but it is not even nearly vegan. This is a lot of dairy, like a lot. But it was worth it. I really like what I ate on this day. I ate well, I felt good (minus minor stomach blegh-ness the next day but again, worth it) I was full at one point. Like really full but again, in a good way. I am very happy to have documented this particular day. Continue reading “what i eat in a day (vegetarian and human)”

9 wlw books i recommend

I’ve been waiting for the best time to reference that Friends moment and it is the perfect fit here. I love reading lesbian or general sapphic novels. I think it’s my favourite way to get in positive representation. I read a lot, it makes sense for me to focus on reading books about people like me. I did this post las Pride Month, so this is my update with teh books I’ve read in the last year. These are all novels wherein the sapphic relationship is a major aspect of the novel and is reflected positively. I love all these novels dearly and recommend them wholeheartedly. Continue reading “9 wlw books i recommend”

some books (and similar) that I have bought recently (most of them are sapphic)

It’s been a while since I’ve done a book haul, I tend to buy books in such large quantities or frequency that hauling them is a bit of a ball-ache. However, these books are 1. small in quantity (comparatively), 2. bought at exciting times and so more special than just buying books at work (although a few of them were bought at work) 3. 50% gay (if not more, happy Pride Month). All in all, here is a recent book haul, I grouped the books together based on when I got them, which also makes this easier on balance. Continue reading “some books (and similar) that I have bought recently (most of them are sapphic)”

10 new lgbt tv characters that i really like

I had a brainwave to do a post dedicated to all the LGBT characters I’ve met and loved within the last year. Turns out that’s a smaller list than I thought it was. I thought it was going to be hard to narrow this down but that was not what happened here. Still I have ten and I love them all greatly. I also think they are not characters I’ve gone on and on about on here already, the majority of them anyway. As normal, I apologise for the lesbian skew, I will work on that for next year I swear. Continue reading “10 new lgbt tv characters that i really like”

green books i’ve read recently (colour coded reads)

I said this last time, but it’s even worse now. I am about 3 weeks removed form finishing these books as I write this, and I cannot guarantee that I remember everything that happened in them all. It’s a problem, but it happens when you read as much as I do I think. I was really happy to finally get to my green era, and it was my last before I started reading LGBT books for a month straight, so there was a big build up to this. Continue reading “green books i’ve read recently (colour coded reads)”