my january 2024 playlist

This month has been a really fun one for music. Not as much new releases, although there has been some great ones. But I’ve tried to listen to something new each day. Which means I’ve been listening to a lot of different music and new bands. Weirdly despite that, this is the shortest one of these I’ve done in a minute. There are only 59 songs in my quarterly playlist as I write this, and there’s often like double that by the time I do these. There is a real mix of songs though. Continue reading “my january 2024 playlist”

another what i eat in day (vegetarian)

Even with doing these twice a month I am very far ahead with these posts right now, and one of my aims in 2024 is to cook more so get very used to these posts. I’m going to need to up my frequency of them I think. This was a pretty good day. I made a new meal, I ate foods that I am very much liking right now. Can’t complain. Continue reading “another what i eat in day (vegetarian)”

european books i’ve read recently (part 2)

The second part of the run of European written and set novels. I chose this theme to read Holocaust novels in the run up to the 27th, which passed on the second to last day of this window. This was a rally interesting period, but I am happy to be out of it now and have some variance in what I read again. This was a very serious month reading wise. And long, there are 40 books in these two posts. That’s kind of insane. And I remember reading like 35 of them which is really good just statistically. Continue reading “european books i’ve read recently (part 2)”

my current perfume collection (january 2024)

One of my new years resolutions is to get into perfumes. I’m actually getting really far into it and I fight the urge every day to buy another. I wanted to do an initial perfume collection as it stands in January, and then I can do another next January, and see how it has changed. Hopefully a lot, I think it is so clear here that I have not been a fragrance person in the past. I am not good at technical bits with perfumes so I am basically just going to grab the notes and a description from a website and include that. As I do with other perfume posts. I should definitely say that a fair few of these are sample sizes. Again, I have not been into perfume. Like there is a lot from a company because I got myself a gift set with 10 ml bottles. Continue reading “my current perfume collection (january 2024)”

another quick en route wishlist, this time with a purpose though

‘Purpose’ being a very nice way of me saying that I was looking for a new pair of gold hoops and I found many more pieces I liked. And no hoop style that was exactly what I was looking for unfortunately. Truly in my era of wishlists (when am I not?),  but I love online jewellery shopping. I tried a medium amount to not include something I have already mentioned in another post. Continue reading “another quick en route wishlist, this time with a purpose though”

some book recommendations for holocaust remembrance day 2024

Last year I wanted to remember Holocaust Memorial Day with a post dedicated to some incredible examples of Holocaust literature. This year I am doing the same thing. Most of these are non-fiction and all are based in fact and real experiences of Jewish people from across Europe. They all were victims of Nazi Germany in some way, and they all should be remembered. As should any victim of any genocide anywhere. I think now more than ever, we need to open our minds up to the experiences of real people, especially those who are otherwise being silenced. Anyway, here are some great novels. Please recommend other Holocaust novels if you know any! I am running low in my collection now. Continue reading “some book recommendations for holocaust remembrance day 2024”

my favourite episodes of smallville (season 1 to 5)

During my recent Smallville rewatch, I kept a list of all of my favourite episodes. It ended up being a far longer list than I thought it would be. It was 48 episodes of the 217 (47 when I started the post). Which is a kind of crazy proportion. 48 is too many to mention in one post, and so I’m going to split it into two parts. The first with seasons 1 to 5 and then 6 to 10. This is going to be the shortest of the two I fear, but still a damn long post. For reasons that you will see. But doing it by season makes more sense to me than by episode amount. I will include episode descriptions as they are on Wikipedia so spoiler warning for a show that started in 2001. Continue reading “my favourite episodes of smallville (season 1 to 5)”

what’s in my bag/what i bought after a day in london

I recently spent a day in London. I had a reason to but the reason didn’t pan out so I basically just walked around for a few hours, bought a few things and then headed home. As I was unpacking my bag for work the next day I thought to document it and show y’all what I take with me for a regular day out and then also what I bought in London. It’s my annual ‘what’s in my bag’ with a twist. Continue reading “what’s in my bag/what i bought after a day in london”

my first perfume wishlist of 2024

One of my new years resolutions/aims for the year is to get into perfume. I intend to buy a perfume a month (which it seems will be bought with each new paycheck). That way I can spend a reasonable amount of time with each new one and still try a bunch. This is a very quick, initial peruse through various websites to see what interests me. There are also a few here that I heard of from perfume influencers. It’s a really good bunch, I’m really excited. And super tempted to buy one. Continue reading “my first perfume wishlist of 2024”