a (less collective than i would like) waterstones haul

I have an addiction to buying books at Waterstones. I used to pride myself on mostly buying books second-hand but that is increasingly not the case anymore. But I have been buying some really great books and I want to share them with you, because lord knows it could be a while before these books are actually read. Continue reading “a (less collective than i would like) waterstones haul”

pink books i’ve read recently (part 2): colour coded reads

I have been on a major reading kick as of late and just churning books out super frequently. Which is great and so fun, but it does mean that my memory of the books is kind of spotty and some of these books I read like 3 weeks before writing this so my memory of them is spotty. I really have to work out a new system so this doesn’t happen. Besides that, these books are great and there is a real mix here of genres and forms. It’s a lot of fun. Continue reading “pink books i’ve read recently (part 2): colour coded reads”

my april 2024 favourites

I am getting this done so last minute and my brain isn’t the best right now. So if the writing portion is super clunky that’s why. But the items are still good. This has been such a quick month, like insanely quick. But for some reason it’s still cold as hell. I know the two things aren’t connected but if the time is going to speed up to summer quickly the weather may as well act like it. Continue reading “my april 2024 favourites”

a recent (secondhand) book haul

I have a massive bag of books that I’m just going to pull from for this post. I should say that all but like 3 of these books were acquired at work after getting some bits for the shop. That justifies some of the mass I think. Because it is a mass, like this is a lot. most of these I’ve wanted for a while and I am very excited to have them finally. Continue reading “a recent (secondhand) book haul”

pink books i’ve read recently (part 1): colour coded reads

I am no longer pretending to read the books I don’t remember. If a description is all in quotes it is lifted from Goodreads, for the betterment of us all. I have, with this batch, passed my reading goal for the year which is an insane thing to say in April when your reading target is 150 books. At this point I will have read around 500 by the end of the year which I am stunned by. I love this pink era, there are so many books I’ve been holding on to for over a year that I’ve now read and that’s a great feeling. Continue reading “pink books i’ve read recently (part 1): colour coded reads”

my march 2024 favourites

How is it already the end of March? How is it already Easter Weekend? This year is flying by, 3 more of this year so far and it’s Christmas and that is just wild to me. But it is lovely to wake up in the light again and to get home in the light and I’ve been warm walking home. I really do love Spring. I spent an insane amount of money this month but I couldn’t for the life of me tell you on what. Like thinking of material things for this one was tough but I got there. Continue reading “my march 2024 favourites”

reading my random trade paperbacks (part 1)

I had a shelf and a bit of trade paperbacks that I just wasn’t reading. So I decided to rectify that. They’re a real mix of genres and form.  Most of which I haven’t kept which is good for my book storage. There are a few re-reads here (that aren’t trade books) too which is not something I do often but I was in a mood. Continue reading “reading my random trade paperbacks (part 1)”