some lgbt albums that have come out recently that i love

Recently is a bit of a stretch but I am going with it. For sure that has come out in the last like year. One of these I love, one I have listened to a few times and the others were basically new to me for this post. I could have included so many more that I did not but in terms of reading it and me doing the brunt of work for this post the day before, there had to be a limit. The albums I had not heard before were all projects I had been curious about and intended to listen to. From lgbt people whom I love or admire. If you have heard any of these albums please let me know which songs you like most, or if you have recommendations for me please share them! Continue reading “some lgbt albums that have come out recently that i love”

me talking about florence + the machine’s discography

I have loved Florence + The Machine since Lungs. That was the first album I really fell in love with and was obsessed with. Despite that love, I have not been the best at listening to their albums, and for some reason only listen to every other release (which I become totally obsessed with). I want to talk for a bit about their discography, and share my views on what essentially are two brand new albums to me. I’m just going to talk about around 7 tracks from them all (otherwise this would be a very long post. I new know whether to refer to Florence + The Machine as a singular or a plural so I mix pronouns a lot here, which feels so clunky and for that I apologise. Continue reading “me talking about florence + the machine’s discography”

i just want to talk about BANKS’ albums

BANKS is one of my favourite artists ever. No matter what mood I’m in I am always happy to listen to her music and just be totally lifted. I think her music is so interesting and different and in my opinion entirely influential on other artists. Like I think her first album had a profound impact on following artists. No one was doing what she was doing until she did it. I want to talk about her 4 albums, share my favourite songs from them and rank them potentially. Saying anything mean about her albums is going to hurt my soul but my least favourite BANKS album is still an album that is above like 90% of other albums in my eyes. Continue reading “i just want to talk about BANKS’ albums”

february 24th was a blessed day for music releases, here are my favourites

February in general was a great month for music. I wanted to do a post like this for every Friday. But I thought it best to cap the month with this, especially as my next chance to even mention these songs is the end of March and that feels like far too long to wait. Here’s a mix of albums and singles. I feel very blessed to be alive when the new releases are this good. I love music. Continue reading “february 24th was a blessed day for music releases, here are my favourites”

i just want to talk about caroline polachek’s second album ‘desire, i want to turn into you’

We have been spoiled for albums recently. And by recently I mean literally just within the last week. Caroline Polachek’s Desire, I Want To Turn Into You is the third and last of this run, a sad but good thing as I means I can really sit with these albums now before the next one comes. My first draft of this intro was so whiny and this is not the place for that negativity. I was blessed enough to see this album performed (out of order) live for the first time a few days before release. So I knew we were going to get an A* project, and it’s just so good. Such a good time, so fun (perhaps my favourite of the three albums that came over this week, maybe I’m just saying that because it’s still release day for this one as I’m writing this, who knows?). I cannot wait to talk about these songs and I swear I will limit the amount I talk about the live show but holy cow is she good live. Continue reading “i just want to talk about caroline polachek’s second album ‘desire, i want to turn into you’”

me talking about how good rebecca black’s debut album ‘let her burn’ is

I want to apologise first of all for my repetitive uses of ‘love’, ‘like’ and ‘cool’ in this post. I think that disclaimer sets a good level for this post; this is a full love fest. It’s not the most eloquent of posts but my posts like this never are. I just adore this album and Rebecca and I want to talk about it here because I can’t talk about it anywhere else. Although I don’t come across as the most wordy of people. The definition of “if I loved (it) less I might be able to talk about it more”. Continue reading “me talking about how good rebecca black’s debut album ‘let her burn’ is”

just me talking about paramore’s first 5 albums

The next part of my Paramore love fest. Usually I rank albums in a post like this, but my opinion on Paramore’s albums changes so often that I think by the end of writing the post my mind would change. Also After Laughter does not deserve the ragging on I’d give it. So I’m just going to share my favourite songs and videos for each. You may think to wait until This Is Why to do this, but it’s going to take me like a year to have a balanced view on it and I want to do this now.

Continue reading “just me talking about paramore’s first 5 albums”

listening to 10 albums i’ve seen people on the internet rave about

This title is so rambly but truly how else can I say it. When it comes to music, I usually see people talk about people and albums and ignore them. This post is me pulling 10 albums or artists I’ve seen mentioned online (and wouldn’t know exist otherwise) and listening to them. It’s that simple. I started this post so so long ago like in June. Very happy it’s now seeing the light of day. Continue reading “listening to 10 albums i’ve seen people on the internet rave about”

albums (potentially) coming in 2023 that I am very excited for

The last time I did an album post like this I wrote it way too far in advance and like half the albums had come out or were announced in the time between writing and it coming out and I looked so silly and wrong when it actually came. But I feel pretty safe in writing this in December to go up in January. But just in case any of my information here is wrong that is why. That was a long winded way to say that. Lots of great music came out in 2022, lots of great music has been promised for 2023, here are the things I’m most looking forward to and most hopeful for. Continue reading “albums (potentially) coming in 2023 that I am very excited for”

my favourite albums and eps from the second half of 2022

I was going to do a whole paragraph about how like nothing had come out the last 6 months but I think I was just experiencing temporary brain rot because it’s actually been a pretty good 6 months for music. Like some truly incredible albums have come out. Albums that like 6 months later I still adore as much as I did the day they were released. Continue reading “my favourite albums and eps from the second half of 2022”