my favourite gay albums this pride month

‘Gay’ is used here as an umbrella term. There are 4 albums here by lesbians, one by a bisexual woman and an ep by a non-binary person. I wanted to do a post on the albums that I have really been loving, but another with new projects just for the post may come with a wider range. But it’s me, so unless it goes against the point, anything I post is going to be lesbian heavy. Continue reading “my favourite gay albums this pride month”

albums i have written about but never posted (deleted scenes)

I was going through my drafts, to see what was happening there. And I have started a lot of different listening to album posts over the last like 2 years honestly. This post is a compilation of what I have said about all those albums. With no editing, so I will be talking about an album from 2022 like it’s a new release but ignore that. This is like deleted scenes. That’s good, I’m using that. The awful grammar in the title is driving me mad but I cannot think of another way to say it. Continue reading “albums i have written about but never posted (deleted scenes)”

my favourite lyrics from ariana grande’s seventh album ‘eternal sunshine’

I originally intended to do a whole review for the album, but my analytical head is just not on and I have nothing new to contribute to discussion of this masterpiece. Despite that I want to do a post on it, so here is a dump of my favourite lyrics from every song on Ariana Grande’s seventh studio album ‘eternal sunshine’, plus like random thoughts if I have them (I have them). I will say that it is going to be hard for another 2024 release to beat this. It’s AOTY to me. And that it’s great to hear her like really sing again. Her vocals are just insane, thank you Eric Vitro. Continue reading “my favourite lyrics from ariana grande’s seventh album ‘eternal sunshine’”

i listened to something new everyday in january (‘new’ playlists and albums)

I’m doing pretty good with my new years resolutions let me tell you. One of them was to listen to different music and to branch out more with what I listen to. So I set myself a goal to listen to something new every day in January, just to get the year off to a good start. This is that challenge. I will leave each thing with the Spotify link and then thoughts if I have any. Continue reading “i listened to something new everyday in january (‘new’ playlists and albums)”

10 albums i cannot wait to listen to, that are set to come out in 2024

A very wordy title, but I simply cannot think of another way to say it. This year is set to be an incredible year for music. Limiting this post down to just 10 is going to be difficult. I’m very excited, and these are just the album that we know now are coming. Stoked. Continue reading “10 albums i cannot wait to listen to, that are set to come out in 2024”

my favourite albums of the last half of 2023 (best albums part 2)

This half of the year has crept up so quickly, how is the year already coming to a close? Unbelievable. Despite this being a pretty weak year for music in general, there have been some incredible new releases in the last 6 months. This was set to be a very long post, but I have narrowed it down to just 10. The playlist at the end has all my favourite albums and EPs for 2023, including a bunch that didn’t make this post. These are my top tier albums, that have come out since July. Continue reading “my favourite albums of the last half of 2023 (best albums part 2)”

4 albums for every month of the year

I have a playlist for November that I made in like 2020. It is largely just an album dump but it is a representation of a really specific time and feeling through the albums. I listen to it every November, and has inspired me to do a post with albums that for me feel like each month. I used to do random music posts like this all the time, going back to that was a lot of fun. I won’t lie, I went with my gut instinct and so not a lot of thought was put into this. There is also not a great range of genres (there’s a lot of pop) because the majority of albums I listen to are pop and related subgenres. I cannot explain this post and so I will not try. Continue reading “4 albums for every month of the year”

5 albums that have come out recently that I want to talk about

There are a few album posts in this blog’s near future. These albums are just the start of the great music coming out this month, I’m so excited. These all came out at the end of September, and I didn’t want to wait until the end of October (especially knowing what’s to come this month) to talk about them. I love music, I love these albums. Continue reading “5 albums that have come out recently that I want to talk about”

a lot of really good albums came out in august and i want to talk about them so this is that

There was a long drought for albums for a big chunk of 2023. August brought the end of that drought, we have been blessed by a lot of good art and to save my favourite post for the month being super album heavy I wanted to talk about them all together. It’s actually wild how good these albums all are. In order of release. Continue reading “a lot of really good albums came out in august and i want to talk about them so this is that”

my favourite albums of the first half of 2023

Is it just me or is there a bit of an album drought happening? Like there have been some great projects out this year but I thought there would be more. And a good amount of these albums came out close together, like there have been way too many weeks with no new projects out. But when they’re good, they’re good. These projects are perfect. Continue reading “my favourite albums of the first half of 2023”